Turning Point Angus
Breeding Program
       Picture of Bull
    Turning Point Angus' breeding program uses AI bulls with good Weaning and Yearling weight EPD's, excellent RibEyeArea and Carcass weight EPD's, and Milk EPD's in the teens. As more information becomes available on feed conversion, we will use it as a selection factor for our sires. Birth weight EPD's are not as critical to our program.
    We like bulls who possess eye appeal, smooth muscling, structural correctness and a good disposition. AI sires which have been used during the past years include 9FB3, Oscar 711, 1483, Backstop, Treasure D1, 6807 and Wood Hill Supreme YOGI. Bulls which will be used during the 1999 breeding season include Woodhill Supreme and Gibb Illini YOGI. Our "clean-up" bulls (which are registered Angus) are also selected for the same characteristics.
    In selecting the cows which have been purchased and the replacement heifers to be retained in the Turning Point herd, we look for females which display ample femininity and adequate muscling. The cows are bred AI and then in late July or early August the bull is turned in with the cows for 45 days. In order to remain in the herd, these females must supply adequate milk to raise a good calf, display a uniform udder, express adequate muscling and must rebreed. If a female has not settled after two A.I. services and then 45 days with the bull, she is culled from the herd. The lower indexing cows will be culled from the herd every other year.
Turning Point Angus
Route 2, Box 4259A
Berryville, Virginia 22611
(540) 955-1517

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