Rotational grazing is the backbone of Turning Point's operation. The 32 acres of grass is divided into 9 sections, most of which will maintain the herd for about a week under average conditions before needing to move to the next section. All of the sections have an orchard grass base. Chuck has experimented with the use of alfalfa, clover and brome grass in different lots with the orchard grass; he is also planning to try some warm season grasses in the future. The cows appear to prefer the clover, alfalfa, orchard grass and then the brome grass respectively. Each of the mixtures have performed very well. We fertilize in late February and again in early August.
 View of Rotational Lots (cows just came off of closest lot)
During the winter months, the mainstay feed source is grass hay. We bale about 200 round bales and a couple wagon loads of square bales to keep around the barn. The hay is harvested from 40 acres of rented ground and is also an orchard grass based mix. Again, the hay ground is fed well to get three cuttings of hay. We believe in making hay early to capitalize on the higher nutrient value and palatability; the third cutting is put up in the fall as haylage bales. The only supplements the cows receive are a couple of protein block and free choice minerals.
Spring and early summer are Turning Point Angus' calving season. Our reasons for calving during this time of year are that the winter weather has ended, AND the majority of our market for our calves is to juniors, 4-Hers and FFA members for show projects. The April and May calves have been our best sellers and most successfully shown.
 Cows With Young Calves Entering New Rotational Lot
The Turning Point Angus herd is certified and accredited. We maintain a thorough vaccination program. All calves leaving the farm will receive a 7-way and a 4-way vaccine plus a booster; all are dewormed in mid-to-late summer and again before leaving. Every calf is halter broken, even if they stay in the herd for replacements. Halter breaking starts shortly after the calves start on creep feed in late August.
Turning Point Angus Route 2, Box 4259A Berryville, Virginia 22611 (540) 955-1517
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