Welcome to Turning Point Angus      
Welcome to Turning Point Angus located in Berryville, Virginia!  
    Chuck and Linda Alexander along with their two children, Morgan and Mark, own and operate Turning Point Angus. Our goal here at Turning Point Angus is to raise registered Angus cattle with strong maternal traits, who express superb muscling along with a balance of eye appeal to compete in the show ring.
    Turning Point Angus is a certified and accredited herd of 20 Angus cow/calf pairs maintained on 32 acres which are managed through rotational grazing. Our management practices include using A.I. bulls, a complete vaccination program and our Angus cows are required to be efficient forage converters.
    Chuck's family's operation is Alexander Charolais in White Heath, Illinois. Linda (Mrotek) was raised with Angus cattle on Runnymede Farm in Brightwood, Virginia. Both have come up through the ranks of the junior programs in the beef industry. We believe very strongly in the youth projects and work with various organizations to promote their cause. The majority of the registered Angus heifers and registered Angus steers which we have sold have gone to juniors. They have done very well in the show ring and we are quite proud of the track record.
    Chuck Alexander is also on the Steering Committee for the Mid-Atlantic Junior Angus Classic, and Chairman of the On-Stage Steer Sale (all steers are registered angus) sponsored by the Northern Virginia Angus Association. Linda M. Alexander is serving as an advisor for the Northern Virginia Junior Angus Association.
Turning Point Angus
Route 2, Box 4259A
Berryville, Virginia 22611
(540) 955-1517

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